
Parish Council Agenda – Annual Parish Assembly 25.04.22

Agendas Uploaded on February 2, 2023

The Annual Assembly of the Parish

To be held in The Chapel

Monday 25th April, 2022 7.30pm



(The financial year’s accounts will be available for your perusal)


  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th April 2019 – were adopted during lockdown via zoom.
  3. Chairman’s Report – Cllr Chris Bennetts
  4. Little Starlings Children’s Nursery – Gemma and team
  5. The Community Church – Tea for One and other projects
  6. Mrs Caroline Sanderson – The Village Magazine and the Queen’s Jubilee
  7. Presentations from other organisations or clubs in the parish
  8. Presentation of Village of the Year Award by the Chairman
  9. Meeting Closed
  10. Refreshments

Open to all residents and friends

Clerk to the Council

Gerard Tucker


Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability) Crime & Disorder, Health