Meare Parish Council
Langata, High Street, Aller, Langport – TA10 0QN
You are summoned to a meeting of the Parish Council
To be held on Monday 18th July 2022, 7.30 pm in The Chapel, Church Path
Public Participation: If you would like to address the Council, please contact the clerk to request a speaking slot.
1. Apologies for absence. (LGA 1972 s85 (1))
2. Minutes of the meeting held on: Monday 20th June 2022
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Summary of actions from the previous meeting
5. County and District Councillor reports
6. Highways
- Relocating signpost – Shapwick Road, quote received from Somerset Forge
- New road sign reposition after traffic accident
- Fencing picnic area and replacing litter bin – Main Road, Westhay – update
- Drains clearance – update
- Absence of visible road markings at the bottom of Stileway road.
- Ashcott Road overgrown shrubs & trees.
- Siting of poles for camera signs in Westhay
- Clearing pavements/keeping pavements clear of obstructions e.g Shapwick Road, Westhay
7. Parish Matters including:
a. Playing field secure container storage
b. Removal of the shelter
c. Vandalism at the playing field and damage to equipment – cctv monitoring
d. Village Hall and Playing Field Committee (Mrs Rosie Parr will be in attendance to answer any questions raised on charity procedures and CIO structure)
e. Parish Council – Village Hall working party – to include: Terms of reference, governance, communication.
f. To consider purchasing a marquee to support village events
8. Review of the parish asset register
9. Complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)
- Review of research undertaken to provide secure and protected emails and back-up of IT systems.
10. Review of Financial Regulations
11. Finances
a. Summary of Account
b. Invoices to be paid
- Mr Malcolm Sweet – Village Maintenance
- Clerk’s salary
- Clerk’s expenses
- SALC – training and purchase of Councillors Responsibilities booklet
- S Edwards – Web hosting and management of website
- Hire of Community Church for July Meeting
- Any other invoices to be paid
12. Correspondence
a. Frome Town Council Climate and Health Conference invitation 15th July
13. Actions required from this meeting
14. Next meeting will be on Monday 19th September 2022, 7.30pm in the Chapel
Clerk to the Council
Gerard Tucker
The Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status and disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.
Prior to the start of the meeting, public participation will take place.
Questions and comments are invited from members of the public immediately prior to Council meetings. The session is limited to 15 minutes and to a maximum of three minutes for each participant.