
Parish Council Agenda July 2023

Agendas Uploaded on July 12, 2023

Meare Parish Council

Langata, High Street, Aller, Langport – TA10 0QN


Mobile 07854 379938


You are summoned to a meeting of the Parish Council

To be held on Monday 17th July 2023,  7.30 pm in The Chapel, Church Path

Public Participation:
A. If you would like to address the Council, please contact the clerk to request a speaking slot.
B. If attending the meeting, please turn off mobile phones and do not hold private conversations.

1. Apologies for absence. (LGA 1972 s85 (1))

2. Minutes of the meeting held on: Monday 19th June 2023 (LGA 1972 para 41(1))

3. Declarations of Interest

4. Summary of actions from the previous meeting

5. County Councillor report

6. War Memorial railings – maintenance

7. Highways
a. Pending road closures – details previously circulated
b. Response from Highways to previous concerns raised.
i. Consideration for investing in a 20MPH restricted area (anticipated cost £10,000)

8. Parish Matters including:
a. Playing Field update
i. Installing a new gate from the play area & replacing the existing 12’ gate – date for a
working party required.
ii. Anti climb paint on containers – response from an approach to youths to undertake
b. Playing Field sub-committee
i. Summary of discussion with Sports facility consultant
ii. Location for a hard standing sports facility.
c. Village Hall update.
d. Cemetery signage – Priority parking for cemetery users.

9. Parish Magazine
Following the last meeting, the clerk contacted the Editor. Caroline Sanderson will attend the meeting and
respond to the suggestions previously raised.

10. Finances

a. Presentation of income and expenditure
b. Summary of Account
c. Invoices paid since last meeting
d. Invoices to be paid
i. SPFA – membership
ii. Any other invoices to be paid

11. Correspondence

12. Actions arising from this meeting

13. Next meeting will be on Monday 18th September 2023, 7.30pm in the Chapel

Clerk to the Council

Gerard Tucker

The Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status and disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.

Prior to the start of the meeting, public participation will take place.

Questions and comments are invited from members of the public immediately prior to Council meetings. The session is limited to 15 minutes and to a maximum of three minutes for each participant.