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Category: Clubs / Societies


How M.P.A.G. Started & What They Do:-
Following the Meare and Westhay Jubilee Celebration in 2012, many parishioners commented that they enjoyed not only the entertainment, but also the opportunity to meet old friends, and make new ones. As a result, Meare Parish Activity Group (M.P.A.G.) was formed in March 2013.
Events such as Quizzes, Beetle Drives, and Musical Evenings are held throughout the year. There is usually a licensed bar and a tasty supper. Profit from these events are used to help finance future events and a bigger annual event, which is the Fun weekend, normally held in early September.
Details of our events are published in the Parish Magazine, here on the website’s event page and on the ‘Meare Parish Activities Group – M.P.A.G’ Facebook page.
Do come along to the events and help M.P.A.G. raise funds, but more importantly, TO HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
Committee Members
Treasurer: Paul Bradley 01458 860 597
Secretary: Janice Bradley 01458 860 597
Kim Jenkins, Sharon Bond, Chris Bennetts, Sam Bantock, Rosie Lander and Colin Foster.
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