Clubs / Societies

Category: Clubs / Societies
How M.P.A.G. Started & What They Do:-
Following the Meare and Westhay Jubilee Celebration in 2012, many parishioners commented that they enjoyed not... View Detail
Meare and Westhay Ladies Group
Category: Clubs / Societies
The club welcomes any ladies from the parish.
We meet at 7.30pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month, at Meare Chapel.
Any queries contact:
Gayle Richards (01458 860492)... View Detail

Meare and Westhay Fundraising Team (MWFT)
Category: Clubs / Societies
The Meare and Westhay Fundraising Team are a Not for Profit committee formed from local residents to focus on organising events to benefit our immediate community.
The team aim to organise a... View Detail