Meare Parish Council
Langata, High Street, Aller, Langport – TA10 0QN
You are summoned to a meeting of the Parish Council
To be held on Monday 26th September 2022, 7.30 pm in The Chapel, Church Path
Public Participation: If you would like to address the Council, please contact the clerk to request a speaking slot.
1. Apologies for absence. (LGA 1972 s85 (1))
2. Minutes of the meeting held on: Monday 18th July 2022
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Summary of actions from the previous meeting
5. Discussion led by PC Mark People on ASB and drug misuse
6. County and District Councillor reports
7. Highways
- Shapwick Road, signpost Somerset Forge
- Fencing picnic area and replacing litter bin – Main Road, Westhay – update
- Drains clearance – update
- Purchase of an additional Speed Indicator Device (SID)
8. Parish Matters including:
a. Playing field secure container storage – CCTV monitoring to include: Consideration of a Meare PC cctv policy
b. Village Hall and Playing Field Committee to include: A review of the loan conditions
c. Request from St Mary’s Church for a contribution towards tree surgery on two trees in the cemetery
8. Review of the parish asset register
9. Complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)
- Review of research undertaken to provide secure and protected emails and back-up of IT systems. Feedback from Cllrs Field and T Foster on preferred system.
10. External Auditors report
11. Finances
a. Proposal by Cllr Hoskins to set up a separate Finance Committee
b. Summary of Accounts
c. S137 parish magazine funding request
S137 Hire of Community Church for July and September meetings
d. Invoices to be paid
- Mr Malcolm Sweet – Village Maintenance
- Clerk’s salary – paid by Standing Order
- Clerk’s expenses
- SALC – training and annual feeWater Services – paid by Direct Debit
- EDF Energy – Paid by Direct Debit
- S Edwards – Web hosting and management of website
- Mendip DC – Recharge for Elections 2022
- PK Littlejohn, external audit expenses
- Any other invoices to be paid
12. Planning
- Application Number: 2022/1784/HSE
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension. Rendered wall to the rear garden boundary replaced with a low level rendered wall.
Location: Angel House Porters Hatch Meare Glastonbury
Applicant: Mr James Reddish
Application Type: Householder Application
2. Proposed development at Eclipse Works, Ashcott Road
13. Correspondence
To include: 5 mile food – Meare PC champion required
Somerset Day – Meare PC champion required
Footpath access complaint – Heath Field Farm
14. Actions required from this meeting
15. Next Meeting: will be on Monday 17th October 2022, 7.30pm in the Chapel
Clerk to the Council
Gerard Tucker
The Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status and disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.
Prior to the start of the meeting, public participation will take place.
Questions and comments are invited from members of the public immediately prior to Council meetings. The session is limited to 15 minutes and to a maximum of three minutes for each participant.